To help you on your path to health and happiness, we've created transformational private retreats based on the ancient science of Ayurveda. We tailor each retreat to your individual goals, be they losing weight, managing stress, resolving emotional issues, reducing pain or detoxing. As dedicated Ayurvedic practitioners, with over twenty years experience, we’ll ensure you receive the right combination of therapies to revitalise both your mind and body, to help bring vitality, confidence and motivation back into your life, while addressing underlying health concerns and calming the mind.
We offer you the luxury of being the only person at our retreat and invite you to experience our exceptional four-handed massages, personal development, yoga and meditation sessions. We guarantee that each two-hour Ayurvedic massage therapy session will bring you ever-increasing peace and serenity. To ensure you maintain the transformation you achieve, we offer expert advice and on-going support. With our emphasis on providing a supportive environment, combined with an integrated mind and body approach, we've created a retreat with truly life-changing potential.
Our bespoke and flexible retreat packages range from three to seven days. We listen to your goals, dreams and desires and create a personal Ayurvedic retreat programme to help you achieve them. These unique, personal retreats include:
Genuinely personalised and flexible retreats tailored to your individual needs and goals
Four-handed synchronised Ayurvedic massages specific to your metabolic body-type
Two-hour treatment or therapy session each morning and afternoon
One-to-one personal care and attention from Danny, Carol & Ben
Personal development, life-coaching and life-style management advice during and after your stay with us
Advice on diet, nutrition, exercise, meditation, relaxation, balanced breathing and oil massage
Powerful techniques to help overcome fears, phobias, anxiety and stress
An understanding of your individual Ayurvedic body-type and the ideal daily routine to keep it healthy and balanced
A small, cosy and relaxing house that's entirely yours for the duration of your stay
A light, vegetarian diet prepared with rice, dhal and vegetables
As our life-changing, transformational retreats are devoted to just one client, we only have a small number of places available to new clients each year. It is therefore advisable to reserve your place well in advance by calling Danny or Carol on 01283 815 669.
What you'll Achieve
A calm mind and a healthy body
Weight loss and the ability to maintain it
Better sleep
Greater energy and vitality
Reduced stress, fear and anxiety
Greater flexibility and endurance
Freedom from aches and pains
Balanced mind and emotions
Improved digestion
A healthier, radiant complexion
Suppleness in the muscles and joints
Increased confidence and motivation